Photo: Effy Grey
Pictured: Dorren Moglii Smith, Beaudau Banks, Honza Pelichovsky
THE NASH CONSPIRACY honors the integral validity of the voices inside our heads. Inspired by the psychological break of mathematical genius John F. Nash Jr., our chief operation, as a collective, is to break artistic codes and formulate new methods of physical expression. We forge these fresh trajectories by trusting the finely tuned nuances that innately exist inside of every living organism, and allowing their intricate relationships guide us through creative authenticity.
Our daily physical, mental and emotional practices aim to break down any barriers that prevent fluid expression of the inner Self: that which we already know, simultaneously that which is greater than ourselves. However wide the spectrum of communication stretches amidst these infinite variables, we are all cut from the same cloth. One common thread binds us all…performer, spectator, non-spectator. That intangible feeling of universality is what makes the work accessible beneath its tough exterior: we have all visited these places. The relationship each person has to the work is colored quite differently. Our goal is not to define that experience, but to open up enough space that having a deep and meaningful experience is non-negotiable.